Gr8 game needs more stuff
This is such an MLG game. Its so gr8 m8. There is only 1 problem tho. You get noscoped so quick and its isnt even your f4ult! You jump bec4use you h4ve no choice 4nd then you either get rekt by 4 red ninj4 or run into 4 blue ninj4! There 4re 4lso times when you c4nt find 4 red ninj4 2 kill m8. Then ur score stops 4nd u r likely to get rekt by 4n MLG red ninj4. 4lso 4dd blood 4nd ragdoll physics. I r8 8/10 wud pl4y 4g4in!
Xx_FaZe_cLaN_xX about
Amazing Ninja, v1.1.1